Admin, 079dddgggg
Oct 2 2019 : 22:38
Subject: order information
From: 079dddgggg
To: Admin
Vehicle Brand: many name. all start with s. serafin sieminski, santino sabanovski, saburo sadamitsu. i know his real family name
Vehicle Age: maybe 13? or 14. i checked his birthday. december 26.
Vehicle Size: 5'3-4. very small, european. male
Manufacturer Location: he is in szczecin. maybe in przeclaw. i think he is going to the airport in few days. get him before then.
Branded Car?: no. but is not easy target. he is hard to catch.
Order: snipe the boy. his father still wont pay me back. this is warning to him.
Other: i wait 2 days. can you do it?
Picture of Car Dealer:

Oct 2 2019 : 22:53
Subject: OrderAccepted174
From: OrderAccepted [BOT]
To: 079dddgggg
Thank you for ordering. Your order has been accepted and placed in queue. You are now being redirected to an Admin. Thank you for trusting Car Kleaning Corps and have a nice day!
Ticket claimed by: Admin
Oct 2 2019 : 22:53
Subject: OrderAccepted174_Admin
From: Admin
To: 079dddgggg
Payment has been successfully received, thank you for your purchase. We have assigned an Agent to your order. Further details will be provided when target is tracked down and identified, estimate two days for delivery.
You may not directly contact our agents. Updates will be delivered regarding progress.
Oct 3 2019 : 16:19
Subject: deadline
From: 079dddgggg
To: Admin
he is going to airport tomorrow. we dont know where he flying to.
have you found him yet
Oct 3 2019 : 16:20
Subject: Re: deadline
From: Admin
To: 079dddgggg
Our agents are keeping tabs on nearby locations. We have not received any essential information on the target's whereabouts as of this moment. We will be monitoring the airport closely.
Oct 3 2019 : 17:03
Subject: Re: Re: deadline
From: 079dddgggg
To: Admin
good. he cause me and my friends many troubles. i need him gone asap.
Oct 4 2019 : 16:12
Subject: Target Located
From: Admin
To: 079dddgggg
Target has been spotted and identified in a crowd outside the airport. Elimination will not be easy or discreet.
Oct 4 2019 : 16:14
Subject: Re: Target Located
From 079dddgggg
To: Admin
what the hell man, did you just shot the wrong guy? now everyone is running to inside. i see him going in. get him now. cannot believe you guys misfired
Oct 4 2019 : 16:25
Subject: Lost Contact with Target.
From: Admin
To: 079dddgggg
Target has breached line of sight. Contact has been cut.
Oct 4 2019 : 16:28
Subject: Re: Lost Contact with Target.
From 079dddgggg
To: Admin
waste of money and time. expecting refund now
hope you to run out of business